In rare cases, though, a physical, monochrome green screen may be required as a background on significantly older devices so that the actual background can also be replaced by the image. Go to the top of your meeting screen and select More actions > Video effects. Crop background images to fit your camera’s size ratio - for a 16:9 camera ratio, 1280x720 or 1920x1080 pixel images are optimal.Īs a rule, virtual backgrounds can be used with Zoom without problems with newer devices - whether PCs, notebooks, smartphones, or tablets.Avoid clothing the same color as your virtual or physical background.If you want to display text in the background, uncheck the “Flip my video” option.If you are using a physical green screen, place it close behind you.If possible, use a physical background that is high-contrast and a solid color (such as a uniform wall color).An LED ring light is ideal for ensuring even lighting. Make sure the background and camera area are evenly lit - not too bright, not too dark. Changing your virtual background pictures in Zoom is easy.Create your own branded virtual office background and look more. You can enable virtual background by following the steps below : Open Zoom Click on the settings icon Select virtual background You will also have. To get your Zoom background just right, follow these simple tips: VirtualOffice provides free branded zoom virtual backgrounds for Zoom video meetings.